Sep 27, 2020
"An uncontrollable wink creates problems for George and
-Original Air Date: 10/12/1995-
This week we're talking about The Wink, vegetarians being the ULTIMATE taboo, sleeping arrangements and it being surprisingly easy for Kramer to hang out alone with children.
This is No Hugging, No Learning, the show about...
Sep 20, 2020
"Elaine's boyfriend's comments on villas in Tuscany stirs
Jerry's curiosity."
-Original Air Date: 10/5/1995-
This week we're talking about The Maestro, food deserts, villas available for rent in Tuscany and defunct Italian currency.
This is No Hugging, No Learning, the show about one thing...watching Seinfeld for the...
Sep 13, 2020
"Feeling overwhelmed, George wants to postpone marrying
-Original Air Date: 9/28/1995-
This week we're talking about The Postponement, Buying Cameos, Ted's woes with MoviePass and does George have a hamster??
This is No Hugging, No Learning, the show about one thing...watching Seinfeld for the first time.
Get a...
Sep 7, 2020
"In an effort to grow up, George proposes marriage to former
girlfriend Susan."
-Original Air Date: 9/21/1995-
SEASON 7! This week we're talking about The Engagement, MORE awful ADR, wife-guy George and two incredible improvised (?) moments.
We also put a button on on Season 6 with our personal top episodes!
This is No...